Borderlands is a role-playing first-person shooter that sends up to four co-op players to the planet Pandora in search of a mysterious Alien Vault – encountering all kinds of horrible little buggers that need to be exterminated as they go, unsurprisingly enough for a video game!

Like traditional RPG's, most of your time will be taken up by quests – 160 of varying complexity and length in total, 30 of which are part of the story with the remaining 130 being side quests. Downloadable content is also out now, with "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned", "Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot" and "The Secret Armory of General Knoxx" all being worthwhile additions.

Click here to get the XBox 360 version, or click here to get the PlayStation 3 release – both of which are £9.85 each at ShopTo.