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The Guitar Hero games are really something that you have to experience yourself to understand how great they are. It sounds a bit crappy pushing some buttons in time to music, but in reality is one of the best gaming experiences you’ll probably ever have.

Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock has been out for a little while now, so the prices have started to go down a bit. Guitar Hero: World Tour should be out later this year, and will be the first in the series to use drums and a microphone (like Rock Band does already).

Instore at HMV you can get either the PlayStation 3 or XBox 360 versions of Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock (with a wireless guitar) for £49.99. Alternatively, Gamestation have the PS3 release for the same price (click here) if you can’t be bothered going out!

Wii owners might like to know that they can also get this for the same price as part of the Gamestation deals we featured t’other day.

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