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The Club is a loosely organised and highly illegal underground entity. The Club is a meeting ground for those seeking the ultimate in vicarious thrills, and those who want to watch them. You have been entered into the sport, and against the odds must fight for survival. Set in a variety of unusual and evocative locations scattered across the globe, you will be wielding high-powered weaponry in a bid to earn your escape. Your first task is to survive, but you must kill according to their rules - quickly, relentlessly and with style.

The Club redefines and refreshes the mechanics of 3rd person action shooters. The Club focuses on addictive and rewarding gameplay that tests your skills to the limit and offers a relentless pace never before seen within the genre. Offering frantic, fast paced gameplay with a unique style, tone and storyline that drips with energy, attitude and anarchy, The Club is a genuine showcase for the capabilities of the next-gen platforms by maximising the graphical and audio technology available to give a gameplay experience that is second to none.

To get the XBox 360 version of this game for £17.99, simply click here - the PlayStation 3 release can be found for £20 instore at Asda (either one of these cheap games is well worth the money, incidentally).

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