Cheap Games

PlayStation 3 (With Three Games) £299.99

With sales of the console lagging some way behind the XBox 360, you’d expect Sony to potentially announce a price cut – they haven’t, but many retailers (online anyway) have decided to bundle it with at least a couple of games.

The obvious reason why Microsoft are shifting more units is that it’s now pretty darn cheap to get an Arcade system, although I think that the recent advertising campaign may have helped sway parents towards it for Christmas.

Click here to buy a PlayStation 3, with three games, for £299.99 from FIFA 09, Little Big Planet, and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift are the three excellent titles included, by the way.

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Need For Speed: Undercover From £19.99

It’s sad to say that Need For Speed: Undercover isn’t anywhere close to being as good a racing game as others on the market today. The selection of vehicles to choose from is good and the handling is excellent, but it’s far too easy to beat the AI and the live-action cutscenes just look plain stupid.

I should mention now that ShopTo are running a special offer until 1pm on the 28th of November, where you can get either the PlayStation 3 (click here) or XBox 360 (click here) releases for £27.99 each.

ShopTo also have the PS2 (click here) and PSP (click here) versions available for the lower price of £19.99 each.


The big news surrounding the release of Soul Calibur IV was the inclusion of some Star Wars characters as playable fighters. Initially Darth Vader was on the PS3 and Yoda appeared on the XBox 360 – since then both have become downloadable content on either system.

The game itself is your standard fighting title, with a broad range of different characters to choose from. You can also now take the action online, and batter some poor bugger on the other side of the globe!

Click here to get the XBox 360 release, or click here for the PlayStation 3 version – both of which are £17.99 each at

Buzz! Quiz TV £9.78

I’m not sure how many people know this (probably everyone!), but it’s actually Jason Donovan who provides the voice of the quiz master in the Buzz! games. From Neighbors to I’m A Celebrity to this – what next for the Aussie "legend"?!?

Buzz! Quiz TV is the first in the series to appear on the PlayStation 3, and comes with a couple of decent new features as well as 5000 questions to answer. You can now compete against others across the world via the wireless network, and make and share your own quiz content through the MyBuzz! area.

If you fancy this, click here to get it for £9.78 from Comet. There’s also a Buzz! Quiz TV: Special Edition (with buzzers and extra questions) available for £39.99 from Currys, or Buzz! Quiz TV (with buzzers) priced at £33.99 from Choices UK.

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SingStar: Volume Two £7.99

Even though you buy tons of tracks from the online SingStore, it’s good that Sony are still releasing volumes of SingStar so that anyone without the Internet can get a whole new batch of songs to sing along to.

30 new tracks are included on the SingStar: Volume Two disc, and there’s also a new harmony mode to be found as well. From my point of view I’m just happy to see "Bust A Move" by Young M.C. is there, as it is most excellent.

Click here to buy this PlayStation 3 title for £7.99 from Comet, and add it to your catalogue of cheap games that are most fun when played drunk!

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One good thing to have come out of the "credit crunch", recession, or any other term you want to give the country being in a right old mess, is that the price of video games and consoles has fallen to almost decent levels – new releases are often lowered in supermarkets, and bundles contain titles people actually want to play.

Let’s spare a thought for poor old Sony though, who have been losing money on the PS3 since day one. At least more people will be buying them now, as offers like today’s one appear to be irresistible.

Amazon have the PlayStation 3 (with two games, a Blu-Ray movie, an HDMI cable, and a Blu-Ray remote) available for £299.97 – for more information, click here.

Unreal Tournament III From £15

The Unreal series seems to have been around for ages, but there have only actually been eight games made in total. Unreal Tournament III is the fourth Unreal Tournament title, and runs on a completely new game engine from previous incarnations.

It’s primarily an online multiplayer title which offers several game modes, but there’s also an extensive offline single-player campaign with an in-depth story to work your way through. As far as first-person shooters go this is top-notch, as it not only looks brilliant but plays fantastically as well.

Click here to get the PS3 version for £15 from Woolworths (even if they go bust, you’ll still get your order), or click here to buy the XBox 360 release for £26.99 from ShopTo.


Amazon Cheap Games

Not to be confused with the Amazon video game Christmas sale, there’s also a few separate Amazon cheap games offers worth taking a look at.

Prices start as low as £3.97, so I’m sure you’ll find something worthwhile.


World Championship Snooker: Season 2007-08 £3.97


BlackSite £11.75
Clive Barker’s Jericho £7.05
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer £7.94
FIFA Street 3 £10.28
NHL 2K8 £7.05
Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty £9.26
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 £7.64


WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 £7.94

XBox 360

Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 £5.29
Clive Barker’s Jericho £4.70
Clive Barker’s Jericho: Special Edition £8.52
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer £3.97
NHL 2K6 £3.31
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 £5.88

Now that you only have to spend a fiver to get free postage, these look even better – in particular, the Smackdown games and Clive Barker’s Jericho.


Could PES 2009: Pro Evolution Soccer be the last one to appear on the PlayStation 2? This hasn’t been confirmed, but you do get the feeling that less emphasis has been put into it than the seventh generation console versions – which include a full Champions League tournament not found on this.

It has to also be said that FIFA has either moved on a par, or ever so slightly ahead, in terms of playability. As someone has both, I feel qualified to state my reasons why – Pro Evo seems a bit more arcade-y than previous, whereas FIFA 09 plays much more realistically.

Click here to get the PS2 version for £12.49 from Gamestation. They are also selling the PlayStation 3 (click here) and XBox 360 (click here) releases for £19.99 each as well, which is incredibly good value for money.

Dead Space £24.99

In the future, the Earth’s appetite for resources has led to a great deal of deep space exploration. Huge, privately-owned and operated mining ships orbit planets and extract rock, reducing it to component elements and raw ore.

When communications with one of these ships goes down, top engineer Isaac Clarke is sent to fix the problem. However, once he gets aboard he soon realises that he’s not alone…

Pop in to your nearest Gamestation and pick up Dead Space, on either the XBox 360 or PlayStation 3, for £24.99.